Monday, May 21, 2007

I told you one is never enough!!

Those who still think that "Canon Rock" bullshit is cool, open your eyes and look carefully!!

Final Fantasy Chocobo Theme.... one man on two guitars!!!

And for those who think you're too cool for Doraemon... this is one big middle finger up ur candy ass!

Not to forget Super Mario, done at maximum level...

And yes of course... Canon... yea I'm rubbing it in your face.

Talking classical? Fur Elise for you! (this one is for Renhao. wahahahaha!! :p)

Not forgeting White Christmas...

See wat I told you? No man was born equal...

now it just leaves me wondering how would Paul Gilbert react to this, seeing before his very eyes, merciless double raping of his custom guitars. wahahaha!! The kid needs two signatures on each piece!

1 comment:

Renhao said...

I was surprised to see new posts on your blog. And my name too! Thanks for the dedication haha, but the real kick was Mario and White Christmas. Double nailed man!