Sunday, January 21, 2007

Descend The Shades of Night...

This is dedicated to all the idiots out there who think Metal is about all things ugly. It's definitely not the best, but it's good enough to prove your sorry @$$ wrong.

I dunno what's gotten into me but the whole night I have been listening to Machine Head almost non-stop, a very rare occurence ('coz normally I like my Metal a lot groovier, speedier, darker, more brutal and definitely more technical) which had only happened to me once before when they just released their "Through The Ashes of The Empire" album, and then listening back to their debut "Burn My Eyes" album which is just plain brilliant. Awesome stuff. It's bound to happen again once they've released their upcoming latest album "The Darkening".

Damn it I can't wait till I get to play this big a venue, to this big a crowd...
Europe here I come!!!

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